29 January 2010
lame sgt xb'blog rasenyer...bknnye rase,mmg dh lame xtulih blog!heheh...so,utk thn baru 2010 ni dila try tk jd blogger tegar cm kak lili disamping m'jadi pengepam tegar..kui3x..btw,tgk tajuk pun dh tau nk cite psl ape kn..just nk share pengalaman dila b'salin anak sulung dila bln 10 thn lps..(apsal aku tetibe b'debar2 cm kt labour room nih!...relek2..)
Alhamdulillah,pada 5 Okt 2009 lps, Muhammad Muadz b Mohd Aziham selamat dilahirkan lebih kurang jam 11.29 mlm (dlm surat branak muadz 11.29mlm,tp dila tgk jam dpn mate kul 11.30mlm..dok tau ar..mate ambe kabur2 kot ms tuh..heheh) di Hospital Putrajaya..alhamdulillah,dipermudahkan proses kelahiran muadz oleh-Nya...so,here we go....pengalaman bersalinku....ngeh3x...
2 Okt 2009..
arini ade checkup kt PPUM...due date isnin depan..dlm hati sempat ke g next checkup nextweek?..heheh...anyway,visit arini dila n my husband jmpe dgn org besar O&G..xsilap dila name die Prof Jamaiah..sumting like that la..org keje UH kenal prof ni...kene lecture dgn die psl Hb dila low...smpi ke sudah xpenah nye cecah 10...die tanye gane take iron tuu...rupernye care mkn dila salah..mmg kene mkn bf mkn ape2...tp 1 jam pas mkn...waduh...pttla Hb ku xnek2...hehe...agak lame la kitorg dlm bilik tu,paling lame dlm sejarah dunia...huh...tp agak b'untung sgt2 sbb jmpe dgn pakar O&G sendiri...:-)
3 Okt 2009..
arini ari sabtu....kitorg xde g mane..dila wt keje umah cm bese..bsh baju,sapu & mop lantai,masak...dlm hati b'kata2 klu dh b'anak sok,b'debu umah nanti..heheh...tp still b'teka teki dgn bb dlm perut ni bile la nk kuar..cpt ke lmbt ke...sakit2 pun xde lg...cume 2 3 ari lps, dila rs asyik nk t'buang air je...byk kali sgt selang bbrp minit...dahsyat...xlena tido tkt sakit mlm tu...huhu..(ku ni penakut orgnyer..heheh)..
4 Okt 2009..
jam 9.00 pg..
ari ahad...t'bgn dr tido sbb rase perut xselesa...mate ngantuk,nk smbung xleh..perut cm senggugut gitu...ms tu xsuspek pape lg...bgn,mandi2...wat breakfast...
jam 9.30 pg..
arini menu breakfast mihun ronggeng..masak mcm besela...tp dila rase perut ni len mcm la..bb cm xaktif sgt gerak..ms ni rase dh sakit cket banding ms bgn tdo td..siap leh dok jp kt kusi ms tgh kacau2 mihun kt kuali tu....waduh...dlm hati ckp..nk beranak dh ker?..huhu..takut...n then tanpe pk panjang, dila terus catat ms rase sakit tu....cek punye cek,jarak mase 5 min skali!gler,xkn dh nk kuar kot...
jam 10pg..
ms mkn tu bgtau husband rase len mcm..(br nk bgtau?..) tp ckp kt babang(mu husband...heheh) jgn risau,leh thn lg...n not confirm yet whether it is contraction or not (bleh pk bkn contraction tu..penakut nk pg hospital sebnrnyer..hehe)
jam 10.30pg..
dok relek2 dpn tv...sempat lg lyn tv tu....sambil2 catat ms contraction...yeke contraction???heheh...babang siap sambung tulis atas kertas tampal kt pintu bilik...dila dh bosan dh menulis...huhu..
jam 1ptg..
ms ni rase sakit tu still same lg..cume dila rase xselesa...ms ni dila tgguu 'show' kuar je...sbb cm xpuas hati je...sakit 5 mint skali,tp xde tande...xkn nk kuar terus bb tu...huhu...
jam 1.30ptg..
babang kuar jp nk g surau n beli paper...siap pesan nk twiggies lg sbb xselera nk mkn nasi..nk msk pun xlarat...pastu nk g amik air smayang..n then..yg ditunggu telah tibe...'show' dh dtg...haduhh..lg debar..dh dekat ke?..tp dila still relek lg,ckp kt babang xnk pg hospital lg sbb xnk admit ward(tau je la klu dh masuk ward,nant mcm bunyi aku dgr...baik2 berani jd takut)...semayang cm bese,doa byk2 mudah2an dip'mudahkn segalanyer..AMINN....
jam 3.30ptg..
masih lg menahan...masih lagi terus catat masa..sempat tido kjp sbb ngantuk sgt..t'jg sbb rase sakit...babang dh ajak g hospital dh..tp dila kate nant la,leh thn lg (degil kn...)..msg opismate nani (die slalu bg tips ms mengandung n dh ade anak nant..tq nani!) bgtau die psl sakit ni...nani pun suh g hospital...pehtu msg ika (yg baru gak ms tu delivered her bb..ANDRIAN WAFIY)..ika pun suh g hosp...emmm...ku b'pk lg...nant la dulu...naluri keibuanku xsuh g hosp lg...kunun...heheh
jam 4.30ptg..
ms ni dila rs sakit tu cm b'tambah sakit...aduii..takut dh melanda diri ni..babang dh ajak g hosp skali lg...n hangin die bile aku ajak g hosp mlm nant...heheh...
jam 5ptg..
pas semayang,dila rs xselesa nk sakit perut ni...pastu,dh xlrt nk tanggung..cm period pain..mcm ditarik2 je rahimah kite tu..heheh..so,time ni dh pk abih dh...jomla g hosp...heheh...kitorg pun b'siap2...brg2 seme mmg dh lame standby dlm kete...kuar umah kul 6ptg...
jam 620ptg..
sampai HP...dekat upernyer puncak jalil dgn p'jaya...heheh..dlm hati debar dh ni...siap dh smpi dewan bersalin tu,leh patah blk kuar hosp sbb xrs sakit...g jln2 dulu...pastu ajak babang g hosp balik...heheh...nekad dh tu...lantak la nk jd apepun...
jam 650ptg..
nk masuk je, ade notis bgtau labour room penuh!ah..sudah...xnk g hosp len sbb husband xleh masuk..try gak tanye kt kaunter...kautim dgn nurse tu..okla..we accept la..huh..selamat...heheh..punyela lmbt nk reg ni...dila dh kesejukan ni..pastu,tetibe je ade sorang nurse kuar kt kaunter tu dgn tgn b'darah2...Ya Allah die ni,t'kejut aku...relek je...tetibe je tkt dtg...
jam 715mlm..
nurse check bp..urine..seme ok...nurse suh tggu jp sbb nk check 'bwh'...alahai...lg kecut dila...tp menten lg sbb ms ni xsakit dh..pelik je..
jam 730mlm..
yah..saat yg dinanti telah tibe..VE akn dilakukan sebentar lg..huhu..ape rs dila pn xtau..tawakal je la..pastu yg xthn doc lelaki plak tu,siap dila request lg doc ppuan,tp xde..adeh..malunyer!..check punye check, skali dh bkk 4cm daa..t'kejut dila..pastu doc tu tanye dok mane seme..die kate tggu je la,xlame dh..sbb die dh pchkn air ketuban..ms ni mmg xsakit,siap doc tu ckp"awk ni btul ke nk b'salin?sempoi je...."dila sengih je..dh,xkn nk suh dila m'jerit2 mntk tolong..hehe..
jam 815mlm..
setelah menunggu dibilik checkup,br dila leh masuk labour room..relek je nurse tu suh jln sndiri..hehe..dila pn xde hal..sambil jln tu dila dpt rase air ketuban kuar je..xselesa rase..eeeee...smpi je LB,nurse suh tkr bj n baring atas katil..and the journey is begin...
jam 9mlm..
dila bosan gler dok dlm tu..sejuk..sorang2..ms ni sempt lg msg2 kwn2...heheh..pastu mntk nurse panggil babang masuk..xbest sorang2..sambil2 tu bc ayat2 utk menenangkn hati ni..dgn dgr suara org m'jerit2 sakit..eeeee..geram plak aku..wat tkt org je..ms ni gak nurse dh monitor aku dr luar sbb diorg dh psg CTG belt kt perut dila..sakit pun dh makin kuat ms ni tp dila leh thn lg..borak2 dgn husband..
jam 10mlm..
ade sorang nurse masuk,cucuk ubat ape ntah kt tgn dila..rs ubat induce kot..xlame pastu,dila rs sakit sgt bile contraction dtg..ms ni dh 5minit skali..waduh,Tuhan je yg tau..smpai ade rs nk muntah,menggigil..huh,dahsyat..cmni upernye rasenye..mmg ms tu pgg tgn babang je sambil babang bc ayat2 Al-Quran..thanks sayang..
jam 11mlm..
still menahan sakit lg..sakit sgt..dila xlarat dh..dlm hati cptla kuar,xthn dh nie..kdg2 bile contraction tu dtg,dila rs cm nk teran..b'peluh2 dh ms ni..pastu doc masuk tanye condition gane..doc tu siap gtau klu pkai getah rambut bkk..ade gk dgr sebelum ni bende yg t'ikat ni kene bkk,nant senang b'salin,yeke??..doc tu tenangkn dila..i appreciate it dr iqbal..pastu nurse suh babang kuar jp sbb nk wat VE lg..aduhaiii...lemoh prasaang!..doc check,dh 7cm...2cm je lg..doc ckp "1130 awk b'salin la"..aduii,stgh jam lg dila rase cm lame sgt..xthn dh ni..ms ni nurse pun dh siap siaga..prepare brg2..dila terus b'tahan..
jam 1110mlm..
doc wat VE lg..dh 9cm..time to go..nurse ajar sikit cr nk push..time ni la br nk ajar..aiya..dila dgr je..ms ni dlm pale mmg xsabar nk kuarkn bb..xlarat dh..n dila start to push..sekuat hati dan tenaga yg ade..push punye push bb xmau kuar..adeii,pnt teran..dn ms dila teran td dila dgr nurse tu gunting bhgian 'bwh' tuu..3x..mak aii..mcm pdg bola rs kt LB ms tu sbb nurse jerit.."cepat teran puan..teran..kuat lagi..lagi sikit.."dila push asyik t'masuk blk je bb..ah sudah..klu lbh 15 minit bb xkuar,kene pggl doc..so,ade doc ppuan ni masuk..b'diri ke tepi kaki katil,ms dila nk push,die tekan perut dila....ahhhhh...selamat Alhamdulillah..bb dh kuar dh...huh..
MUHAMMAD MUADZ B MOHD AZIHAM..selamat dilahirkan..xnangis pun die ms kuar..nurse suck2 lendir2 tu,xlame tu br nangis..ee..boleh dila xpgg bb tu ms nurse ltk ats perut,seb baik xjatuh..ms tu ala2 lalok gitu..pnt xilang lg..tp alhamdulilah..semenye selamat,TAPI xabis lg disini..sesi blajar m'jahit pulak..hehe..
sesi jahit m'jahit dh selesai...huh,lapar gle ms ni..siap request kt nurse nk air milo,xmalu tul..tekak kering gler u...pastu mntak nurse panggil abg tk azan n iqamahkn muadz..selambe dlm LB tu leh snap2 gambar..kih3x..excited!..lame gk la babang tmn kt LB tu sebelum nurse suh kuar sbb doc nk wat VE skali lg...perghhh!!!..xilang lg ngilu2 sbb kene jahit...waaaaaaaaaa!!!..redhakan je la..seb baik doc ppuan yg lemah lembut yg wat...eeeee...ngilu2...
still dlm LB..nurse seme cbuk kt LB len dok melyn org nk b'salin..heheh..tggl dila n bb b'dua..seb baik muadz baik sggggtttt,xnangis pun..tdo je..ade skali 2 die nangis..pastu die tdo blk...cayalah ank ibu!..
br ditolak ke ward setelah berehat smpi t'tdo2 kt LB tu...babang dtg tgk jp,pastu die blk umah...sian kt babang,penat..ngantuk...
so,itulah die rentetan pengalaman dila b'salin..sj nk share cite dgn kengkawan kt luar sane..n skarng ni dila tgh b'usaha tk jd a good mommy for a wonderful baby...
11 January 2010
About Fenugreek....
What is Fenugreek?
Fenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum L., is an erect annual herb native to southern Europe and Asia. Undoubtedly one of the oldest cultivated medicinal plants, fenugreek is widely grown today in the Mediterranean countries, Argentina, France, India, North Africa, and the United States as a food, condiment, medicinal, dye, and forage plant (11.1-128). The plant reaches a height of 0.3 to 0.8 meters and has trifoliate leaves. White flowers appear in early summer and develop into long, slender, yellow-brown pods containing the brown seeds of fenugreek commerce. (1)
Fenugreek and Breastfeeding
Fenugreek seeds contain hormone precursors that increase milk supply. Scientists do not know for sure how this happens. Some believe it is possible because breasts are modified sweat glands, and fenugreek stimulates sweat production. It has been found that fenugreek can increase a nursing mother's milk supply within 24 to 72 hours after first taking the herb. Once an adequate level of milk production is reached, most women can discontinue the fenugreek and maintain the milk supply with adequate breast stimulation. Many women today take fenugreek in a pill form (ground seeds placed in capsules). The pills can be found at most vitamin and nutrition stores and at many supermarkets and natural foods stores. Fenugreek can also be taken in tea form, although tea is believed to be less potent than the pills and the tea comes with a bitter taste that can be hard to stomach. Fenugreek is not right for everyone. The herb has caused aggravated asthma symptoms in some women and has lowered blood glucose levels in some women with diabetes.Potential Side Effects
- Sweat and urine smells like maple syrup (this is common and often a sign that you have reached the right dose)
- Loose stools in some women, which go away when fenugreek is discontinued
- Hypoglycemia in some mothers
- Can cause uterine contractions - do NOT use if you're pregnant
- Diabetic mothers should use caution with fenugreek since it can cause lowering of blood glucose levels. (5)
Little Known Uses
Fenugreek has an age old reputation as a breast enlarger and contains diosgenin which is used to make synthetic estrogen and has been shown to promote the growth of breast cells. You can drink fenugreek as a tea, use it in yogurt, applesauce or soups, or make a light mixture with any lotion and massage it directly into the breasts. It may also aid in increasing sexual desire in women as well as increasing breast beauty and health. Fenugreek contains choline which may aid the thinking process, and antioxidants that slow aging and help prevent disease. It is also helpful in calming PMS and symptoms of menopause. Fenugreek is also considered to be an aphrodiasiac and rejuvenator. (6)